Back in 2013, an American evangelist (can I describe him that way?) named Louie Giglio premiered a series called “Indescribable” (yes, related to the Chris Tomlin song) that sought to think about the majesty of God by looking into the galaxy. As I was doing some reading for our 12pm Facebook Live series on Isaiah 40, I was reminded of the series. Isaiah 40 reminds us of the size and majesty of the God who fights for His people…”marking out the heavens with a span”…”stretches the heavens like a curtain”…”brings out their host by number and calls them all by name.” Indeed, this is one great God! He is worthy of our trust and our worship. He is the One – drawing from this mighty reservoir of power and strength – who freely gives that strength to His people when they need.
I’m pretty sure there are some bootlegged copies of Louie Giglio’s sermon on YouTube if you want to have a look for it. Take it for what it is, which, at the very least, is a visual reminder of how great God is.