11am Service 06 June 2021
Dear GCBC Parents:
We will be looking at Romans 11:1-10 this week, and it is a reminder that God will be faithful to keep His promises to His chosen ones. Verses 5 and 6 also remind us that we are chosen by God’s grace alone. There is nothing we can do to be chosen by God. No amount of work, good deeds, or acts of penance will bring us into the Kingdom of God. Again, it is by God’s grace alone. Paul even goes on to say that grace is not grace if we work for it. Talk with your children about God’s grace, and help them understand their need for it since nothing we do will bring us into God’s Kingdom.
Also, I’ve attached a service outline I found on-line that was created just for children. It is meant to help them be active participants in the worship service, and I hope you find it useful. After the service, ask them what they wrote down. Use it to guide your conversations about faith and what they are learning about being active participants in the worship service and our church. And please feel free to let me know what they say…I’d love to hear any ideas they have on how they can feel more a part of our church body.
God Bless,
Worship Service Notes for children (from “Reformed Mama” blog) – Service Worship Notes for Kids
Bible Project video on God’s Grace – https://bibleproject.com/explore/video/character-of-god-grace/