11am Service 5 April 2020 (Palm Sunday)
[As we mentioned in previous posts, you can begin to reflect and pray through these items as early as you like. The live sermon feed begins at 11:30am.]
- Scripture reading/reflection – Matthew 21:1-11; Psalm 46
- Prayer of thanks (3-5 minutes)
- Song, “The Lord is My Salvation” – (5 min)
- Circle praying – (5-10 minutes)
- Prayer for yourself and God’s work in you
- Prayer for those around you – family, neighbours, church, other churches
- Prayer for city, county, nation (particularly leadership in these times)
- Prayer for Gospel in the world
- Scripture – Ecclesiastes 9:1-12
- [time permitting] Song, “Lamb of God” – (5 min)
- At 11:30 the live sermon feed will begin on Facebook.
There are two ways to access sermon feed:
- Navigate to the GCBC public page at https://www.facebook.com/galwaycitybaptistchurch/
- Navigate to the GCBC website and select the link, “Facebook Live Stream” on the second graphic. www.galwaycitychurch.com