12 April Sunday Kids Material

12 April – Kids/Youth Material Dear GCBC Parents: Happy Easter! I pray this Easter Sunday will be a wonderful opportunity for us as parents to tell our children why we believe in Jesus and how he has changed our lives. Today is a great day to tell them the good news of Jesus’ death and … Continued

Was Jesus Really Crucified and Raised?

If you are interested in what modern scholarship is saying about the passion of Jesus, I would recommend a viewing of this podcast produced by the seminary I (Jason) attended in Dallas. You can view the topic time stamps at this website and the video is below. It is worth the watch if you’ve ever … Continued

Saturday – Final Days of Jesus

[The following is taken from a course put together by Crossway around the book, The Final Days of Jesus, by Andreas Kostenberger. It can be accessed here. All of the videos together can be viewed here. We encourage you to watch the video and then reflect upon the Scriptures which pertain to the events of … Continued

Saturday Devotional (John Piper)

[The following devotional, as mentioned earlier, is taken from a booklet written by John Piper entitled, Love to the Uttermost, and is offered to help us reflect during Holy Week. You may download the booklet here in PDF, E-Book, or Kindle format free of charge.] Saturday A HOLY WEEK VOLCANO Now the men who were … Continued

Friday – Final Days of Jesus

[The following is taken from a course put together by Crossway around the book, The Final Days of Jesus, by Andreas Kostenberger. It can be accessed here. All of the videos together can be viewed here. We encourage you to watch the video and then reflect upon the Scriptures which pertain to the events of … Continued

Friday Devotional (John Piper)

[The following devotional, as mentioned earlier, is taken from a booklet written by John Piper entitled, Love to the Uttermost, and is offered to help us reflect during Holy Week. You may download the booklet here in PDF, E-Book, or Kindle format free of charge.] Good Friday WHAT GOOD FRIDAY IS ALL ABOUT Consequently, he … Continued

Thursday – Final Days of Jesus

[The following is taken from a course put together by Crossway around the book, The Final Days of Jesus, by Andreas Kostenberger. It can be accessed here. All of the videos together can be viewed here. We encourage you to watch the video and then reflect upon the Scriptures which pertain to the events of … Continued

Thursday Devotional (John Piper)

[The following devotional, as mentioned earlier, is taken from a booklet written by John Piper entitled, Love to the Uttermost, and is offered to help us reflect during Holy Week. You may download the booklet here in PDF, E-Book, or Kindle format free of charge.] Maundy Thursday THURSDAY OF THE COMMANDMENT “A new commandment I … Continued

Wednesday – Final Days of Jesus

[The following is taken from a course put together by Crossway around the book, The Final Days of Jesus, by Andreas Kostenberger. It can be accessed here. All of the videos together can be viewed here. We encourage you to watch the video and then reflect upon the Scriptures which pertain to the events of … Continued

Wednesday Devotional (John Piper)

[The following devotional, as mentioned earlier, is taken from a booklet written by John Piper entitled, Love to the Uttermost, and is offered to help us reflect during Holy Week. You may download the booklet here in PDF, E-Book, or Kindle format free of charge.] Wednesday WHY JESUS IS ALL-TRUSTWORTHY “I am telling you this … Continued