Tuesday – Final Days of Jesus

[The following is taken from a course put together by Crossway around the book, The Final Days of Jesus, by Andreas Kostenberger. It can be accessed here. All of the videos together can be viewed here. We encourage you to watch the video and then reflect upon the Scriptures which pertain to the events of … Continued

Tuesday Devotional (John Piper)

[The following devotional, as mentioned earlier, is taken from a booklet written by John Piper entitled, Love to the Uttermost, and is offered to help us reflect during Holy Week. You may download the booklet here in PDF, E-Book, or Kindle format free of charge.] Tuesday DEPTH OF LOVE FOR US While we were still … Continued

Monday – Final Days of Jesus

[The following is taken from a course put together by Crossway around the book, The Final Days of Jesus, by Andreas Kostenberger. It can be accessed here. All of the videos together can be viewed here. We encourage you to watch the video and then reflect upon the Scriptures which pertain to the events of … Continued

Monday Devotional (John Piper)

[The following devotional, as mentioned earlier, is taken from a booklet written by John Piper entitled, Love to the Uttermost, and is offered to help us reflect during Holy Week. You may download the booklet here in PDF, E-Book, or Kindle format free of charge.] Monday HE SET HIS FACE FOR JERUSALEM When the days … Continued

Palm Sunday Devotional (John Piper)

[The following devotional, as mentioned earlier, is taken from a booklet written by John Piper entitled, Love to the Uttermost. You may download the booklet here in PDF, E-Book, or Kindle format free of charge.] Palm Sunday SEEING THE KING ON PALM SUNDAY “Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to … Continued

Palm Sunday – Final Days

[The following is taken from a course put together by Crossway around the book, The Final Days of Jesus, by Andreas Kostenberger. It can be accessed here. All of the videos together can be viewed here. We encourage you to watch the video and then reflect upon the Scriptures which pertain to the events of … Continued

5 April Kids/Youth Materials

Dear GCBC Parents: For this Sunday, I am attaching a worksheet our children can use as they listen to the sermon with us. Actually, they could use this each Sunday if we like!  I am also including a colouring page of Psalm 90:12. If you remember, Jason mentioned this verse at the beginning of our … Continued

Holy Week Observance Intro

Hello Everyone As tomorrow (Palm Sunday) begins the final week of Jesus’s life, we want to take this unique opportunity presented to us by our forced solitude to reflect on the final days of Jesus. To do that, each day (beginning tomorrow) at 8am, I will post a devotional from a booklet written by John … Continued

Psalm 131

The imagery in Psalm 131 is stark. As a parent, I can relate to it. Having been a child once, I can see its point. Here’s how it reads… A song of ascents. Of David. 1 My heart is not proud, Lord,     my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters     or … Continued

Lecture and Q&A on Peace in Times of Suffering and Uncertainty

Tim Keller, Pastor from New York City, gave a great lecture and Q&A as part of his Questioning Christianity series on how Christianity offers a better way of dealing with difficult times. It begins with an overview of how various religions/belief systems deal with suffering and concludes with a consideration of how Christianity offers something … Continued